Thursday, December 29, 2016

online texts on statistics

Why Statistics

World of Statistics   Has a goal of "Increasing public awareness of the power and impact of statistics on all aspects of society"

American Statistical Association's Statistical Significance   "highlights the contributions statisticians make to society, from health care and economy to national security and the environment."

The International Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP)   Goal is to "contribute to promoting statistical literacy across the world"

My own opinion: Using statistics, you may sometimes get things wrong, but if you don't use statistics, you will almost always get things wrong.

Statistics books, guides

What statistics should I use   UCLA's guide

Advanced Data Analysis from an Elementary Point of View   by Cosma Rohilla Shalizi. 2016.

CADDIS Volume 4: Data Analysis  basic concepts, of basic stat and some advanced stat too. Last updated 2016.

Collaborative Statistics   Barbara Illowsky and Susan Dean, faculty members at De Anza College in Cupertino, California. Around 2013

Concepts and Applications of Inferential Statistics   Basics, t-tests, anova. Last updated in 2015. From Richard Lowry, Professor of Psychology Emeritus. Vassar College

Dabbling in the Data. A Hands-on Guide to Participatory Data Analysis   from Public Profit. "This guide provides a gentle introduction to practical approaches to explore and analyze data"  No date given.

Electronic Textbook   Complete on line statistics text book, with many advanced topics. 2013.

Engineering Statistics   although much is for engineers, some is also useful for social research. For example a chapter on exploratory analysis  has a section about graphing the data. Another section on quantitative techniques describes many of the usual statistical tests used in social science. 2012

Handbook of biological statistics   for biology but much is applicable to any field.  2014, John H. McDonald, professor of biology at University of Delaware.

HyperStat   HyperStat Online is an introductory-level hypertext statistics book.  Also comprehensive links to other on line stat books and links to some stat jokes. Looks like last revised in 2013. Also from David Lane.

Introductory Statistics   and Multivariate Statistics   from David Stockburger. 2016. Dr. Stockburger is from Missouri State University

Introductory Statistics. OpenStax,  OpenStax CNX. Oct 31, 2016   "Introductory Statistics is intended for the one-semester introduction to statistics course for students who are not mathematics or engineering majors. It focuses on the interpretation of statistical results, especially in real world settings"

The Little Handbook of Statistical Practice   basic stats to anova and regression. As of 2012, the website isn't being updated. He put it together in a book.

A New View of Statistics   all the usual topics, but pretty comprehensive (from 2013). Will G Hopkins 

Online Statistics Education: An Interactive Multimedia Course of Study   A public domain on line stat multi media course (although to me it looks like an on line text book.) Includes the stat book in various forms, web, interactive on itunes, mobile, pdf. From David Lane and others. No date given.

Probability and statistics EBook  

Statistics at square one   From BMJ, an on line brief stat text, from 1997.  Also see Epidemiology for the uninitiated  

Statistics: power from data   general on line stat book with chapters about data collection, processing, problems, presenting, analyzing.  2013

Stat Primer    an on line public domain stat manual. Burt Gerstman, 2016.

SticiGui: Statistics Tools for Internet and Classroom Instruction with a Graphical User Interface   includes a text book on basics and advanced basics. Philip B Stark, 2013

Statistical Thinking for Managerial Decisions   Professor Hossein Arsham, 2015

Usable Statistics   Some statistical tutorials with graphical demos. The website also has questions and answers and you can ask your own questions. Last updated in 2016. The site owner, Jeff Sauro, is a Six Sigma Black-Belt trained statistical analyst, and also has a couple of interesting articles about completion rates and small samples,  

Sites listing other statistics sites

Betty Jung's Statistics page     has links to many stat sites, on a wide variety of topics.

Probability and Statistics Resources   Professor Hossein Arsham

StatSci   intended to be a stats portal

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

more? funds

Dear Boris,
Dear Victoria,

We are sorry to hear that you won’t be able to attend the conference.
Thank you for letting us know.

Kind regards,

this is from ESHMS-Reproductive health sessions, add to previous

ответ Керзона (экономического ф-та):
Добрый день, Борис Петрович!
Мне передали Ваше письмо о заявках на оплату командировок. К сожалению, Ваши заявки на оплату не были одобрены членами Ученого совета.
а перед этим Аузан сделал заявление, что командировочный фонд плохо расходуется, но это уже совсем (more or less) другая история

Monday, June 13, 2016


Dear Boris Denisov,

Thank you for writing to us to let us know that you will be unable to present your poster at the upcoming EPC 2016 due t o a lack of funds. We confirm that we have removed your submission from the program.

We hope to meet you at a future EAPS event.

Best regards,
Irene Rodriguez
For the EPC 2016 Team

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Kenya Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2008

Kenya Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2008 (MICS 3 Phase II)

July, 2008 - August, 2008

Survey: Cross-sectional - Household - Individual - Interview


Kenya National Bureau of Statistics

Part of MICS3, an international survey initiative to monitor the situation of children and women, covering health, education, child protection and HIV/AIDS; it includes vaccination, contraceptive use and symptoms like diarrhea, cough and fever.

The survey was conducted in 13 districts of the Eastern Province in Kenya.

Thursday, May 19, 2016


Exam info:
Class sends me a link to the Google table, containing:
  • Name
  • Country
  • Title of presentation
  • Date of presentation
  • The topic student wish to discuss during the exam (mismatched with presentation),
you will have five minutes
I will add score results by May 25,
the exam will adjust your score
See you on May 26, at 3 p.m.

rhfp 8

Rhfp 6

Gender and more


Friday, May 13, 2016

Clinton calls for more resources to fight HIV/AIDS

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton met with HIV/AIDS activists on Thursday, and said the nation should rededicate itself to finding a cure for the disease. She told the group that the country should "leave no one behind" in the fight to conquer the disease. Earlier this year, Clinton apologized for mistakenly praising Nancy Reagan's AIDS activism during her husband's presidency. In fact, both Ronald and Nancy Reagan came under fire for ignoring the crisis and having staffers who laughed at its existence. The former first lady reportedly even turned down a request from her friend, AIDS-stricken movie star Rock Hudson, after he asked her for help getting treatment in France that was not available in the United States. Clinton's misstep came during an interview with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell in Simi Valley, California, where Nancy Reagan's funeral took place earlier this year. After her error, Clinton said sorry in a statement posted on Twitter.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Abortion and various determinants

Abortion legislation, maternal healthcare, fertility, female literacy, sanitation, violence against women and maternal deaths: a natural experiment in 32 Mexican states

Authors: Elard Koch, Monique Chireau, Fernando Pliego, Joseph Stanford, Sebastian Haddad, Byron Calhoun, Paula Aracena, Miguel Bravo, Sebastián Gatica, John Thorp

Although less permissive states exhibited consistently lower maternal mortality rates, this finding was not explained by abortion legislation itself. Rather, these differences were explained by other independent factors, which appeared to have a more favourable distribution in these states.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Kenya MIS 2015

Kenya MIS 2015 datasets are now available to all registered users with access to Kenya datasets. Users who download this version will receive notification by email if an updated version is released.

Datasets can be requested/downloaded at:

The Final Report can be accessed at:

Friday, March 11, 2016

FP in Ghana

Mass Media Promotion of Family Planning and the Use of Modern Contraception in Ghana

Dr. Nicholas Parr
Demographic Research Group, EFS, Macquarie University, Sydney NSW2109 Australia

Phone: 61 2 9850 8570
FAX: 61 2 9850 6065

Paper presented in poster format to the 24th IUSSP General Conference at Salvador, Bahia, Brazil 18th-24th August 2001

the link above leads to a full text version

Discontinuation of Contraceptive Use in Ghana

Using data from the Ghana Demographic and Health Survey 1998, this paper analyzed the durationof use of a contraceptive method and the reasons for its non-use given by former users of contraception.The results showed that the duration of use tended to be short, particularly so for the use of condomand withdrawal. Injectable contraceptives and periodic abstinence tended to be used for relativelylong periods. After type of method, a woman’s age and residence (urban or rural) were the mostsignificant predictors of duration of use. The reasons for not currently using contraception given bysignificant numbers of former users of pill and injectable contraceptives should concern service providers and educators.

Friday, February 26, 2016

trifle but nice

Boris Denisov
PLOS ONE Reviewer (2015)

February 2016

Dear Boris Denisov,

On behalf of PLOS and the PLOS ONE editorial team, I would like to thank you for participating in the peer review process this past year at PLOS ONE.

We know there are many claims on your time and expertise and we very much appreciate your valuable input in 2015. With your help, we have continued to publish an influential, lively and highly accessed Open Access journal. Simply put, we could not do it without you and the thousands of other volunteers for PLOS ONE and the other PLOS journals who graciously contributed time reviewing manuscripts.

A public “Thank You” to our 2015 reviewers – including you – was published earlier this week.
(2016) PLOS ONE 2015 Reviewer Thank You. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0150341. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150341
Your name is listed in the Supporting Information file associated with the article. I hope that you will be able to use this letter, along with the article citation, to claim the credit and recognition you deserve within your institution for supporting PLOS ONE and Open Access publishing.

If you would ever like to provide feedback on your experience, we would very much welcome that. Please send feedback to

With gratitude,
Iratxe Puebla
Iratxe Puebla, Managing Editor
Veronique Kiermer
Veronique Kiermer, Executive Editor
P.S. If you’d like to receive news and information from PLOS, opt-in here.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Screening for perinatal depression: a missed opportunity

All pregnant and post-partum women should be routinely screened for depression, according to a new statement from the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). This controversial recommendation is part of the USPSTF's updated 2016 guidance recommending routine screening for depression in adults, published on Jan 26, which for the first time has been expanded to include information related to pregnant and post-partum women. The task force's proposals were widely welcomed by the mainstream media—but given the limited evidence in this area, are such bold recommendations warranted?

According to the task force statement, “direct and indirect evidence support moderate certainty that screening for depression in pregnant and postpartum women is of moderate net benefit”, citing reductions in risk of depression of 28–59% in post-partum women who underwent screening. However, these conclusions are at odds with recommendations from other countries. Expert groups in Canada and the UK, for example, have evaluated the same body of literature and concluded that high-quality evidence to support routine perinatal screening for depression is scarce. Notably, as stated in the USPSTF report, five of the six studies included in the assessment of the effects of depression screening on health outcomes were of only fair quality, none compared simply screening plus usual care versus usual care alone, and the reduction in risk of depression in pregnant women was not statistically significant.

Furthermore, for a screening test to be suitable for use in clinical practice, it must be simple and accurate with an acceptable risk of false-positive and false-negative results. But the most commonly used screening instrument—the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale—is lengthy to administer and has a positive predictive value for detecting major depressive disorder of just 47–64%, running the risk that a substantial proportion of women could be falsely labelled as having depression. This situation is potentially dangerous. Results of qualitative studies suggest that women are extremely concerned about depression screening, about the stigma associated with a diagnosis of depression, and that a positive result might lead to an automatic social service referral, and potentially removal of their baby. Only one trial in the USPSTF review reported on the potential harms of screening, but noted no harmful effects. Clearly, high-quality randomised controlled trials of screening programmes that include access to interventions, with a thorough assessment of the potential adverse effects, are needed before widespread screening can be advocated.

Information about the financial costs of perinatal depression screening is a glaring omission from the USPSTF statement. The high rate of false-positive screenings could also lead to costly referrals, unnecessary diagnostic assessments, and possibly treatment for some women incorrectly identified as depressed. Access to care is problematic in some countries, notably the USA, especially for marginalised people such as the large undocumented immigrant population, who cannot even get access to basic maternity care. Funds might be better spent on improving care for these disadvantaged groups.

Identification of perinatal depression is undoubtedly important. As highlighted in the Lancet Series on perinatal mental health, depressive disorders are common during pregnancy and the post-partum period: the point prevalence of major depressive disorder is about 5% during pregnancy and in the first 3 months after childbirth in women from high-income countries, and prevalence is generally higher in low-income and middle-income countries. Maternal depression is associated with a range of negative child outcomes, which can persist into adolescence and adulthood, and about a third of women who develop postnatal depression still have depression beyond the first year after giving birth. However, to merely focus on identification of depressive disorders during pregnancy and the post-partum period is a missed opportunity. Other mental health disorders can also occur—for example, studies suggest that anxiety disorders are more common than depressive disorders during pregnancy and the postnatal period—and the regular appointments that take place during pregnancy and post partum are an ideal opportunity to fully address the whole range of mental health disorders that can present during this time.

Routine screening for depressive disorders in pregnancy and post partum could potentially be harmful. The pregnancy and postnatal period is an opportunity to maximise the health of women and their families. But this needs to be done through sensitive enquiry in the context of a broader conversation about the physical and mental health wellbeing of mothers.


The silence around stillbirth is unspeakable

7,200 lives are lost every day to stillbirths. Imagine if we could reduce that number and stop this epidemic of grief. Learn what The Lancet is doing to fight back.

and more:


Thursday, February 4, 2016


The EU’s criminal intelligence agency warns pan-European gangs are targeting minors for sex work and slavery

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Trends in Maternal Mortality, 4s

New estimates in Trends in Maternal Mortality 1990 to 2015 released by the UN Maternal Mortality Estimation Inter-agency Group (MMEIG) indicate that maternal mortality has fallen by 44 per cent since 1990.

Maternal deaths around the world dropped from about 532 000 in 1990 to an estimated 303 000 this year, according to the report, the last in a series that has looked at progress under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This equates to an estimated global maternal mortality ratio (MMR) of 216 maternal deaths per 100 000 live births, down from 385 in 1990.

Maternal mortality is defined as the death of a woman during pregnancy, childbirth or within 6 weeks after birth.

This new report is accompanied by a Lancet paper available online (Global, regional, and national levels and trends in maternal mortality between 1990 and 2015, with scenario-based projections to 2030: a systematic analysis by the UN Maternal Mortality Estimation Inter-Agency Group.
This new release provides the most up-to-date comprehensive information on maternal mortality worldwide, including a public database containing 3634 country-years of data for 183 countries taking into account all available nationally-representative data from vital registration systems, population censuses, household surveys, and sample registration systems.


The United Nations Maternal Mortality Estimation Inter-agency Group (MMEIG) was formed to share data on maternal mortality, harmonise estimates within the UN system, improve methods for maternal mortality estimation and generate internationally comparable MMR estimates. MMEIG, which is led by the World Health Organization (WHO), comprises the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Bank Group, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the World Bank Group and the United Nations Population Division (UNPD).

For more information, including estimates, empirical data and methodology, visit:

World Contraceptive Use, 4s

Contraceptive prevalence and unmet need for family planning are key indicators for measuring improvements in access to reproductive health. The data set World Contraceptive Use 2015 includes country data as of March 2015.

This new data set is used to generate Estimates and Projections of Family Planning Indicators 2015 , model-based estimates and projections of family planning indicators.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


The HSE class 2016 "Reproductive Health and Family Planning", please, fill the form: