Thursday, April 18, 2013

above average, btw

in all listed categories ;)
PLoS provided new tool to measure reading (views and downloads) of papers. Our paper is not bad at all:)
Divergent Trends in Abortion and Birth Control Practices in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine
see paper

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

age of sexual debut

These are the RLMS data (round 19, 2010).
Lines belongs to the left vertical axis and represent cumulative number of cases, right vertical axis shows per cents (red/blue).
The age at different personal events is naturally different, median age at menarche is twelve, median age of the sexual debut is seventeen.
Age at which a half of those who had experienced periods, became biologically ready for conception and started their sexual life is nineteen.
These ages are important to consider the beginning of a course of sexuality education: when a school should start it? Imho: fourteen is the latest, or about the seventh grade.

The next important finding is fifteen percent of those who did not start their sexual life by age 35. It is very close to WHO estimates of infertility.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

When Dickens met Dostoevsky

by Eric Naiman (the co-editor, with Christina Kiaer, of Everyday Life in Early Soviet Russia: Taking the revolution inside, 2006, and the author, most recently of Nabokov, Perversely, 2010) in TLS:

  • Dostoevsky was a prickly, often rude interlocutor. He and Turgenev hated each other
  • Tomalin returned to her research notes and soon admitted that she might have been the victim of a hoax
  • When Professor Andrews wrote to Ms Harvey, she responded that she had lost her notes, had a poor memory and had moved on to other topics
  • So who was Stephanie Harvey, and why had she written her article?
  • What was clear was Stephanie Harvey’s penchant for a distinct modus operandi
  • Harvey has repeatedly focused his ire on several institutions, most notably the left-tilting British Academy
  • This was not, however, the end of the connection between A. D. Harvey and Trevor McGovern
  • Chekhov wrote a story where the father of a counterfeiter begins to worry that every coin passing through his hands is a fake
  • Even for holders of tenured university positions, scholarship can make for a lonely life
  • In other cases Harvey seems to have been operating as something of a vigilante
  • The worst thing here, if they are fictitious, is a violation of the trust that remains a constitutive element of the humanities
  • The discovery of this text marked the end of my pursuit . . . . Dickens and Dostoevsky were no longer in sight

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

smth arrived today

the 1st arrival:
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then, what dies it mean ?